Customer Testimonials

“Excellent job all-around. They were super friendly, knowledgeable, and helpful. The price was much cheaper, and they even gave me a discount for doing multiple items. I would even say it was a more thorough cleaning as well. It was about an hour from knocking on the door to wheels up to clean a 10’x12′ rug and two couches, and 3-5 hours to dry, exactly what they told me. I will definitely be using them from now on to clean my stuff.”

“We had a really great experience with Evergreen Carpet Care. They were able to fit us into their schedule for a last minute request. The techs were very kind and did a wonderful job. They made sure to get the job done well and exceeded my expectations. I will be recommending Evergreen Carpet Care to all my friends and family members.”

“Excellent service, from start to finish. The technician, Jordan, was awesome. He was a great guy to talk to along with doing an amazing job on my carpet. Will totally recommend this company, and definitely Jordan to others.”

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